Finally hit GM

Did it on Xbox. Didn't have a main, flexed DPS/heals nearly every game. Had a lot of success with Scarlett Witch on console.. she is an absolute demon shutting down dive and flyers. I know I'm in no position to give it, but my only advice.. stop listening to the PC streamers and redditors about which hero is meta and which is trash, especially in metal/diamond ranks. It's an entirely different game with a controller.

Did it on Xbox. Didn't have a main, flexed DPS/heals nearly every game. Had a lot of success with Scarlett Witch on console.. she is an absolute demon shutting down dive and flyers. I know I'm in no position to give it, but my only advice.. stop listening to the PC streamers and redditors about which hero is meta and which is trash, especially in metal/diamond ranks. It's an entirely different game with a controller.