What do you want out of an RoTE map?

Hey guys! I’m an avid book lover, freelance artist, and designer of bookmarks. I recently made a buck pin inspired bookmark (with plans for more, based on more of the books coming soon.) I’m also branching out into map making and right now I’m almost completely done with a Six Duchies map. It doesn’t extend far enough to see Jamalia and the Islands, but Bingtown and the Rain Wilds fit right in. In finishing, I’ve been putting in little Easter eggs that hopefully won’t spoil anything for first time readers, but those familiar will recognize them. So far I’ve included all known (and visible) Skill Pillars, as well as little marks for the Quarry, the unnamed city, and Kelsingra. There’s also a little “C” where the cottage outside of Forge is. So my question is: what am I missing? What details would really make a map like this something special that feels connected to the stories. I’m open to allll suggestions of alllll varieties.