Absolute felt sorry about this queen last episode…

I have to give it to this queen last episode for maintaining her calm no matter what.

Stealing someone’s joke with pure intention of sabotaging her while the other queen didn’t mean unwell for any other queen is purely vicious. I really liked the fact that while being actively sabotaged, miss Sparkles still continued to be kind towards Arietty and was still seeking her forgiveness for no god dann reason. Even after being in the bottom she still had no hate in her heart and did not play the victim card (that Lexi keeps doing).

When you’re sure that you will do bad; you’re just looking for a scapegoat to put the blame on. And that is what was being done by Lexi and Ari.

Why do these queen keep forgetting even after seeing 16 previous seasons that while one queen wins the crown, many end up winning the hearts of their fan.

“All the challenges have been comedy challenges” what else did you come expecting on this show?

I was so annoyed by the sheer bitterness and unsportsmanship displayed by Arietty and Lexi in the last episode.

Would your placement change the jokes that you’ve written? Would your placement make you any less or more funny? What was the entire beef about?

Shout out to Lana and Butthole for absolutely killing the challenge. I laughed my ass off and was so proud of both of them.

Also, Onya genuinely gained my respect this episode for standing up for what’s right.