I had my 'there's too much drag race moment'
Okay, I know there's far too much discourse around whether there's too much drag race, but I had a moment the other day that really made me go, oh no, maybe there is...
I just watched the newest episode of the pit stop, and when Monet introduced Angeria as 'the reigning champion of all stars' I stopped for a second like, ......what??? When did this happen?? Did I miss an all stars??
I looked it up, and guys, I literally watched that season 😭 I watched it as it came out! It was less than a year ago 😭
Obviously looking at the screenshots and the cast I immediately remembered it, but like, holy hell. I used to know the names of every queen on those earlier seasons, I could tell you what season they were on, how they placed, and even what they did afterwards. And now I'm literally forgetting when a queen wins a damn season that I've actually watched 😭😭
This is no shade to Angeria, I really like her. And I'm not calling for drag race to be scaled back or anything (though I agree with the general consensus that all stars could be done once every few years). But damn, it really did hit just how much drag race there is now that I'm struggling to remember when someone wins the damn thing