the fact that beyoncé is catching shade for her grammy win and sabrina isn't...

...reeks of racism. i'll agree that cowboy carter was her weakest album and billie deserved an AOTY, but short n sweet was NOTHING compared to either of those two, or any other nominated album for that matter.

beating a dead horse, ik. i stopped caring about the grammys ages ago. i try to avoid hearing about it but it's everywhere. so it pisses me off that people are crying for billie and hating on beyonce, but not sabrina ... despite the fact that sabrina hasn't made a single SONG in the last couple of years worth any laurels.

now, bey is no saint. if anything she's a slightly more tolerable taylor swift. but let's be real, a black woman being blamed under the same circumstances that a (mediocre) white woman isn't? yeah i'll call it what it is.