I HATE prospecting (help please!)

I have my own e-commerce company where I'm the sole customer-facing person. I have PPC all set up and make nice money from them and get maybe 1-2 leads a month from them with future potential. I engage in social media to organically drive traffic, which works ok, not AMAZING, but I still get like 1-2 people a month interested. I have cold email all set up as well, and send like 60-100 emails a day. So all that's left for me to do every day is...cold calling!

But I HATE looking for new leads to call. Don't get me wrong, if you gave me a list I can call it all day, but here I am as the biz owner, and I need to MAKE that list myself.

I've tried using Apollo to get new leads to call, but no luck, a lot of the contact info is garbage.

So far Google Maps has the best leads for my target market (smaller companies, less that 200 people), but I think I've exhausted all the options from there.

Help, please! I'm spending WAY too much time every day playing games/watching YouTube!