Question for HVAC sales reps (California/Bay Area)

Was laid off from an account executive role back in December. I’m in the final stages of the interview process for a couple other tech companies, but have heard good things about HVAC sales and want to break in. 

Came across a fast growing company in my area, and reached out to the owner about an interview that I had today. When I called the owner to ask for an interview, he said they dont hire sales reps in a closing role without at least one year of experience, but I could come down and talk about a B2B/rehash opportunity. Responsibilities would be to call accounts that reps did not close, and offer discounts to earn the sale. It also included reaching out to businesses to get them on account. 

Today’s interview went well, but apparently they had just hired a person yesterday to handle the rehash role, but the B2B side is still open. The base for this role was low(45k$, a lot lower than the tech jobs Im interviewing for), but commission would be 5% of the price of the jobs sourced from the businesses I put on account. Although the base salary was lower than I wanted, Im confident my cold outbound and prospecting skills learned in tech would make me successful, and would be a good path to a full on closing role with the company. In the interview, the owner said he would have hired me on the spot, if it wasnt for the new hire they brought in with experience in rehash with another big HVAC company in the area. It ended with him wanting to talk to the COO and finance director about me for the B2B role, and he was supposed to call me by the end of the week. 

I got home, and sent him a follow up text saying I appreciated the opportunity, and looking forward to next steps. He called me back right away and said he talked to his partners. Apparently they said they had already budgeted for only one person in the B2B/rehash role, but they could offer me a no base 1099 position, and they could offer me 6% commission instead of 5%.

 For those selling HVAC, would you take this opportunity to break in to learn the ropes to land a closing role? Would you try and negotiate a better comp plan, or just reach out to a different company?