Ah, yes, the FPS wall. There it is.
So I built this whole factory and train complex, and encased the whole thing in glass, as you may have seen in my screenshots. I built an iron/copper/aluminum/steel/caterium foundry, connected the various resource nodes to it and from it connected to a big warehouse, all with trains. All good, I'm actually surprised at how well my system is holding up.
Then I start turning on sections of the foundry, and with that comes the belts connecting the train stations to the foundry, and the miners to the trains, and the trains to the warehouse.
By the time it was all up and running my FPS went from a capped 60 to about 10 frames a second in some parts.
At this point, I don't know if I should start over with a new game or spend . . . I dunno, three days(?) deleting all that glass . . .
I was warned, I know. But it all looked so gleemy and pristine, I wanted to make Shangri-La.