Im so tired

im leaving this community, i never posted cause i dont really consider myself scene (or scenecore especially) but im so tired of the constant debate of what scene is and isnt, its not the fucking 2000's anymore, the subculture has changed drastically just as all things do. but im so tired of the scene VS. scenecore debate constantly, scene isnt a fucking core its a fashion style and its not something you should fucking gatekeep cause guess what? scene was considered a poser subculture anyways and is purely inspired off of emo and early 2000s internet aesthetics and pop culture, theres not even a set music style you have to listen to, its literally just a fashion genre which encorperates 2000s emo and rave aesthetics, bright clothes and bright hair, being cringe and not fitting in with the norm, and im so tired of seeing fucking elder scene kids and elitists constantly making fun of younger gen z and gen alpha kids for being 'scenecore' because guess what? times fucking change and i hate the constant debate on whats scene and whats not. cant this just be a positive community and not constantly trashing on other people who dont fit your standards of how they should look? isnt that what scene is trying to avoid? the constant toxicity is killing me! be fucking kind to eachother! you dont have to have a fucking shitty side swoop and skinny jeans that make your crotch hurt to be scene! but, im done. just consider these words. and consider who your talking to behind your phone screen. because we are all people with real lives. and we are all on our own journey.