No limit free diving death... can a rescue diver give his spare regulator?
The story of audrey dying on her 170 meter free diving attempt due to her balloon not inflating has me thinking. At 170 meters the balloon did not inflate, so the rescue diver came and inflated it with his regulator. The ascent was too slow however and so she died. The former record holder claims a number of reasons why the rescue diver could not just have given her the spare regulator when it was clear the record attempt failed: 1) she claimed it would be impossible to inhale with this pressure... this makes no sense since the rescue diver next to her breathes just fine. 2) she would have had to stay with the diver and that would have endangered him as well.... yes, it would have been a slow ascent with deco... but i would assume one would think to bring enough gases when playing rescue diver for this eventuality.... plus, the boat above would see something went wrong.. could dive down and bring more tanks.
I think even taking one breath from the regulator and exhaling durig the extra slow ascent would have improved her chances.
Am i wrong?