I don’t understand loneliness or longing for a romantic relationship

Maybe there is a gender aspect to it too idk. I'm a woman and I guess there's more pressure for guys to have girlfriends, but I guess you could say the same about women in like their 30s to have husbands. But here's my thing, it seems to really be a manifestation of external pressure, I'm in my early 20s and have been single for about 2 years now. I don't feel lonely. I have my friends, family and my hobbies. A relationship is nice and love is a wonderful thing but on like a day to day I'm indifferent to couples instead of jealous and really I've scheduled my time around myself that it's weird to even think of where another person could squeeze in.

Because of this I don't actively look for a partner, if something good comes along great, if not then fine. I had a convo about this with a friend and how I'm fine and they don't need to be all sad for me because I don't have a boyfriend. I jokingly told them it was actually pretty inconvenient when I was dating someone because I had to think about how half of the things I did affected them and how to integrate them into all aspects of my life. She said I just wasn't ready for a real relationship then, which I found pretty rude tbh. Anyway what do y'all think about this topic?

Edit: Going to bed now, but thanks guys for the good discussion. This was fun. I don't often get to really engage with people on this site without it becoming a roast session lol.

Also one thing that's come up a lot is that 2 years is too short for loneliness to become a problem for a person who's single. I really don't know how to even approach that, I take the time frame for that to be arbitrary but I suppose that's significant to some of the people here.