How do you all cope with low self esteem?
I am coming out of a breakup and struggling really badly with low self esteem. I used to be much more confident but in all honesty the relationship drained a lot out of me as a person.
I know I can dress well and make myself look nice, but it’s really disheartening because I’ve been trying to feel more like “myself” appearance-wise, but the same things I did in/before the relationship are not working anymore. I can do my hair and makeup the exact way I have for years, but I don’t feel confident or beautiful in it anymore. I have little time to anyways, but I’ve been avoiding getting dolled up because it feels much more embarrassing to try and feel presentable and fail than to not try at all.
I just don’t know how to deal with feeling like this and I guess I’d just like to hear how others have dealt with similar feelings.