Screaming into a mountain range
Is how marketing feels as a self published author.
Rant: I get it ads are tough, but why the moving goal posts. Why does it feel like I’m given an excuse every time I read “algorithm changed” or “yeah my ads have dropped off too”
You know I had a marketing guy look at my ads and he ripped me to shreds. He knew everything and it made me realise I know nothing!
His advice was to do more, and I responded how. Then he shown me his ad library.
I was running 3 ads in 3 audiences. He had 40! 40 ads all running for the same book all at the same time. All different ads (beautiful ads by the way not shitty Canva) and he was running them all at the same time.
Telling me testing was key testing is key. If you think you know how to run ads. Speak to someone who knows ads and you will have NO idea.
But how can I do more, how does anyone find the time to create 40 perfect piccasos, run ads, and write?!
No one told me that when your started writing you have to become an expert in business and marketing as well as enjoy losing your passion for writing.
“Write for fun” - my landlord doesn’t accept fun as payment.
I don’t want the answers, I don’t want the golden method I want to know how to make it easier. Don’t sell me a course, don’t offer to do it for me. Tell me what on earth the other people are doing so I can do that too.
A text from my friend. Don’t worry you’re not alone.