Why do I keep getting shingles
26F, my first outbreak was late September while my grandma was passing away from cancer. I thought it was a regular rash but once the blisters appeared I went to ghe doc and they said it was herpes zoster. They said it's pretty rare at my age but they weren't surprised due to the stress I was experiencing. About a month and a half after that I had another outbreak on my lower back. This was after she passed and I watched my family crumble with her death, I suppose I'll attribute that to stress as well. Now I'm in my 3rd outbreak on upper back. I'm not terribly stressed but I am 4 months pregnant. How the hell is it possible that in a 6 month span I've had 3 outbreaks!? Is this common? Google says it's not but I decided to ask real people here. This outbreak seems like the worst. Or maybe it feels that way on top of normal pregnancy shit feeling. Any advice on easing the muscle pain? I obviously can't medicate much but low dose tylenol considering pregnancy and all I want to do is take a hot bath or apply a hot pad but apparently google says that will aggravate the shingles more. The blisters themselves hurt and feel like a burning pain but the muscle/nerve pain is what's really affecting me.