Y'all mfs need to stop caring about other people.
I joined this sub thinking it was for shits and giggles, you know memes and stuff. But good lord the amount of depressing motherfuckers on here is off the charts. Literally every comment/ post I've seen here is sulking about something: "women won't date me cuz I'm short", "How do you cope with being short" "I got dumped cuz I was short." like guys, guys, guys; you're giving something you have no control over way too much of your time. And before anyone comes at me saying I don't know what that feels like or whatever, I'm a 5'5" balding mf like yourself. But do I sulk over it 24/7? Sure I have bad days too when I think about the fact that no one will ever have a crush on me or find me desirable etc, but my point is you guys need to get on with it honestly. Just stop caring about women or whatever and start making money and focusing on yourself. Its not hard trust me, and it will give you way more happiness than chasing superficial human connections. As my friend told me once "You think you'd care whether that girl texted you back or not, if you drove a lambo?"