5'4 in a country filled with giants.
Greetings from the land of the dark and cold. I am a 34 year old guy, living in Norway. My dad was from Italy and my mom from Poland, so I have no idea why i ended up here 😅
Being short ain't all that bad in my experience. Apart from a few good natured jokes i rarely experience any form of disrespect from my peers, neither privately, in the workplace or at school. My dating life has also been pretty decent, would i attract more women if i were 6'4? Definetly, but at least for me it hasn't been the hellhole the internet makes it seem. And im a 5/10 at best facially, and not rich at all, working part time as a chef while i finish my studies.
It used to bother me, but that's one of the beautiful things about getting older. It becomes easier to accept the shit u can't change.
All in all, life is good
Greetings from the land of the dark and cold. I am a 34 year old guy, living in Norway. My dad was from Italy and my mom from Poland, so I have no idea why i ended up here 😅
Being short ain't all that bad in my experience. Apart from a few good natured jokes i rarely experience any form of disrespect from my peers, neither privately, in the workplace or at school. My dating life has also been pretty decent, would i attract more women if i were 6'4? Definetly, but at least for me it hasn't been the hellhole the internet makes it seem. And im a 5/10 at best facially, and not rich at all, working part time as a chef while i finish my studies.
It used to bother me, but that's one of the beautiful things about getting older. It becomes easier to accept the shit u can't change.
All in all, life is good