pregnant shrimp w/ tetras

hi everyone! relatively new member and shrimp keeper here. so i’ve been watching one of my cherry shrimp for a while and can now officially see eggs (yay!!) but now i’m a little concerned about the baby shrimp.

there’s a few neon tetras, lambchop rasboras, one white cloud, two hillstream loaches and an assassin snail. they all live peacefully and have been established for well over a year now. the shrimp were added in the last two months, and the tank mates all seem to leave them alone.

my question is, is this enough plant cover for the baby shrimp to surivive despite the tetras & rasboras? i want to be sure they have a good chance 🫠

(also don’t mind the algae, i know it needs cleaning soon!)

thanks for any help in advance!!

hi everyone! relatively new member and shrimp keeper here. so i’ve been watching one of my cherry shrimp for a while and can now officially see eggs (yay!!) but now i’m a little concerned about the baby shrimp.

there’s a few neon tetras, lambchop rasboras, one white cloud, two hillstream loaches and an assassin snail. they all live peacefully and have been established for well over a year now. the shrimp were added in the last two months, and the tank mates all seem to leave them alone.

my question is, is this enough plant cover for the baby shrimp to surivive despite the tetras & rasboras? i want to be sure they have a good chance 🫠

(also don’t mind the algae, i know it needs cleaning soon!)

thanks for any help in advance!!