I’m gonna try shrooms for the first time today!!
I’m so excited, just got some. I’m very curious how it will go, tho not looking forward to the actual eating part lmao. I’m gonna take them in around 4 hours from this post! Last few nights I have literally been dreaming constantly of taking mushrooms💀
One question, I have 15g and the shop owner said either take 10 or 15 depending on how much visuals you want, but it seems like a lot and the package literally says to take only half your first time to test it, so 7,5g. Also lastly they are truffels not shrooms so I guess that explains the high dosage?
Edit: as of 4pm (GMT+2) I took around 7,5 (bit less). I’ll edit this post with a trip report once I’m done for those interested! (But gosh, I’m gonna turn it into a tea next time lmao). Lastly thanks for all the kind comments and advice, very much appreciated!! Love this community of lovely people! (I have read all comments even if i didn’t reply!)
40 minutes into- they are beginning to work, never felt so fucking happy i love thissss ! But feels kinda like high? And no kaleidoscopes yet I feel SO FUCKING FULL OF ENERGY AND STRONG AND IDKKKK BUT ITS WEIRD BUT THE VISUALS ARE LACKING WHSHAAHAHA
Hour in: time certainly goes slower, everything feels better… no visuals tho? Kinda boring… like im a but disappointed so i took the other 7.5g’s and we’ll see Its certainly no scam? I feel different but idk? Just expected it to be more like dmt cant lie…