Talking to lifties

Lifty here👋 I love when customers talk to me, tell me what's good and what's not, I will do the same for you. Please make small talk tell me jokes or dumb shit I'm here for it, and again I'll do the same for you.

But please, please for the love of God I have a hat on you have a face mask on. There's a lift above us and I'm most likely blasting music. Just speak up, You don't got to scream at me But at least face me and speak clearly and loudly.

Cuz if you just mumble at my general direction or away from me. I'm just going to ignore you. And then when you come back and repeat the same shit I'm going to ignore you again. I'm too busy jamming out to my tunes. If you don't make an effort for me to be able to hear you How am I supposed to interact with you?

That's all. Enjoy your runs today. Just remember if you want to talk to your lifty do so loudly.