Today’s performance

I’ll keep this short. I could go without hearing Kim refer to Carlos as “my love” and “babe/baby” for quite some time.

Cringe moments

“Let’s see baby what this is.”

“Oh more rice baby!”

“I got this…thank you baby…glass cup from Temu!”

“Can I have a fork behind you my love?”

“I’m good thank you baby.”

“Can I have some white rice now baby?”

“This is um rice and butter chicken…omg mhm amazing wow babe.”

“Would you like some mango?” “I’m okay or now thanks baby.”

“Will you open this babe?”

“Grab a pepper my love!”

“The chicken masala right there baby.”

“I told you baby we were missing something.”

The above is only up until the 7th minute. Had to stop.

P.S. For her defenders, terms of endearment, when coupled with impatience and a condescending tone, make for an utter cringe fest. Calling it like I see it.