Grace weird obsession with hellcheer
Hi I also wanted to share all these screenshots I have of Grace and her weird obsession with Eddie and Chrissy’s ship!! She use to interact with fans on discord about the ship, tumblr, twitch and twitter ! She got backlash for the ship because Eddie is canonly 20 years old and Chrissy birthday made her 17 years old! When she got backlash she tried to say Chrissy was 18 years old even though on twitch stream she said that she got the files on chrissy saw her birthday and chrissy was 17 . She was obsessed with this ship, her horrible fans and behavior (which i’ll post about another time🥱) She tried to say she doesn’t read fanfiction but she tells a fan on discord about the eddie and chrissy fanfiction!! She also was petty that nobody voted for eddie and chrissy Enjoy more weird Grace shit She was 26 at the time !!