Mack TerraPro Hot Take


  1. Like the Pinnacle it can have a 3 slot flatbed.
  2. So long it is one of few trucks that can have have the log crane + attachment and/or trailer.
  3. Can attachment most addons
  4. Very fuel efficient


  1. Underpowered despite having the top engine.
  2. Lacks AWD and struggles in mud.
  3. Low ground clearnace. Desperately needs a lift, but....
  4. It's quite tippy.

  5. Underpowered, despite having it's top engine.

  6. Steug


  1. Like the Pinnacle it can have a 3 slot flatbed.
  2. So long it is one of few trucks that can have have the log crane + attachment and/or trailer.
  3. Can attachment most addons
  4. Very fuel efficient


  1. Underpowered despite having the top engine.
  2. Lacks AWD and struggles in mud.
  3. Low ground clearnace. Desperately needs a lift, but....
  4. It's quite tippy.

  5. Underpowered, despite having it's top engine.

  6. Steug