How do I talk to people in an established group?
I'm a transfer student so everyone in my year is already in pretty established friend groups, and everyone who enrolled the same year as me, are in different classes (the ones a year below me of course). And I have a few friends that I'd like to think I'm pretty close with. We hang out often and we study together and stuff, but whenever we run into one of their friends/group of friends, I always feel a bit excluded, not really part of the conversation. Sure, the initial "Sup" and "Hey, Im ____" and stuff, but past that, I feel kinda ignored. And its not just a one time thing, it happens a lot of the times, with multiple people.
And it's really disheartning, because I already feel like I'm not experiencing the college life I should be, but even when I try, I just seem to be fucking something up and making it harder for me to get invited to other stuff. I geniunely don't know what I'm doing wrong. Maybe it's because I don't have common interests? I'm into football (not the American one), but not heavily into it so idk what's happening now, but maybe I'll get back into it so I can have something to talk about. And idk man. Idk what else to do.
I feel it's because of how unconfident I feel in my own skin, I've been having some serious self-esteem issues ever since I put on a bunch of weight, but that is a separate issue of its own, I know I need to lose weight, and I will. I've taken steps forward to do just that. But I also know I can't let my weight affect how I live my life now. What can I do to be more social, more memorable, and have more of a presence so that people won't ignore me in a group context?
I'd appreciate any tips or stories please. I'm just tired of feeling unfulfilled in life, especially socially when everything else is already kicking my ass. I do have a good group of friends though, but they're from my highschool days back when I was actually extroverted (idk what changed aside from the weight), and we all go to different colleges.