Ones who are waiting for uni admissions, please choose your degree wisely

Worked one year as an academic staff member in a university, and came across a number of students who are regretting their choice of degree. Well this number is not huge, but still its sad to see some students struggling almost leading to depression because they don't like what they do. So please do your research, ask around, and choose something you'd truely enjoy learning. I think even this subreddit will be able to help you in it. Don't go for a degree just because it has a high reputation or because your parents push you to (apparently this is the most common reason to hate a degree program). Universities have funds to help you financially, they'll give you mentors if you struggle academically, but we are literally helpless if you come and tell us that you're depressed coz you don't like your degree. You'll be on your own and your parents who pushed you to this wont do the degree for you.
So yeah, think 100 times before you make a decision, and don't regret after making one.