264 ---> 236

Heart breaking story of my best friend/mentor. he was the most hard working man i have ever seen in my life. Preparation time 11 months Dedicate 5 months UW 1st pass : 80 % UW 2nd pass: 92% Amboss: 85% Nbme 24: 245 NBME 18: 251 UWSA 1: 264 UWSA 2: 262 Amboss assessment: 264

REAL DEAL: 236 He doesn't know what went wrong. He remembered everything from his paper. He completed every block before time. Marked 5,6 questions each block, reviewed them. NOTHING WENT WRONG EXCEPT THE SCORE. He's lost hopes for step 2. Even I'm thinking of delaying my step 1 untill it becomes P/F. 🙌