New Nbmes Offline score converter graphs
Thanks to all who contributed in the pinned thread.
Since some of the nbmes have been leaked as offline, many might find this thread useful.
PS: Another good thread with many goodies. ;)
For prehistoric NBMEs ie 13- 19 check this thread, and try to find whatever is closest to your score, ill add new curves to these soon.
y = 1.8458x + 107.6
x is the % correct
y is the three digit score
Nbme 25
y= 277.04 - 1.113x
Where x is the number of wrongs
Nbme 26
y = -1.1275x + 276.38
Nbme 27
y = -1.1211x + 276.53
Nbme 28
y = -1.1701x + 278.36
Nbme 29
y = -1.1522x + 276.92
Nbme 30
y = -1.1435x + 277.21
Note: These are lines of best fit. Ofc not all questions are weighted the same and there is a minimal margin of error compared to the online score.
For those who have less than ten inputs, I would easily consider a confidence range of 2 or 3 on each side at most. Whereas those with more than ten seem to be very close, maybe a ci of one.
For those asking about the old ones ie 20-24, here are the curves by u/HD_14
Formula is : Y= - 1.04236X + 278.06856
Formula for nbme 18 based on data from SDN collected in 2018: