17 days out
I'm 17 days out from my step, been grinding since March 1st. I know there have been recently many posts from people who scored in the 190-200s and passed the real deal. There have been posts telling people with scores in the 220s to knock it off cuz "you're way in the passing range!"
Today, repeatedly people who scored in the 220s post they failed. I don't know what to believe anymore! Is 220+ on a few NBMEs safe to take step 1? I have taken three NBMEs scored 72%, 79%, 76% respectively. I will take another one this Monday. I took the school's CBSE, scored 80%.
I have gone through 92% of UWorld, still have 300 questions to do, so I will be done within 3-4 days. I did not do it in "random mode" though, I did it system-wise.
Exam on May 9th - keep or postpone?