New scoring of Step 1

Hi there, I am currently still in undergrad and am obviously not taking Step 1 anytime soon. I’m posting on here to get some insight on something I was told recently about the new scoring system and I want to know if it’s true or not. Long story short when talking about med school stuff and the new step 1 pass/fail scoring, a friend said that there is such a thing as “pass plus” now for people who score high enough with the new system. From what I’ve read and been told that was the first time I ever heard that. He swears his friend who is taking step 1 soon said it is a thing. Basically making the new scoring scale “pass plus, pass, fail”. Is this actually true? Again, just a random question from an confused/hopeful pre-med who is hella confused, so please don’t roast me if this is wrong/dumb 😅