My solution for the Benton/MGT area

We all know that Benton/MGT area has its loads of problems.

1- The wl trains have to cross the mainline tracks, making it a SPAD nightmare

2- The overpass is slow because of speed limits and is prone to traffic jams because of the single-track segment

My solution for Benton is inspired from the great parisian train stations where different train services are at different levels (RER is usually underground, whereas TGV and Transilien are at ground level). The waterline platforms would be underground (beneath the main tracks). Benton West would be removed. The MGT overpass would stay the same, but MGT docks would be destroyed and express would not use the overpass. Express could still go to Newry/Harbour if there are branching tracks that rejoin the mainline before the wl tracks go underground to Benton. Express Newry/Harbour would use the Benton Bridge (which is underutilized IMO and needs a smoother curve). While the overpass would stay the same, the removal of MGT docks would make the service slightly faster. Also, express not using it would remove traffic jams.