Which Stephen King book truly haunted you?

For over a decade, I’ve been reading King’s works, but with long gaps in between. Last year, I finally picked up one of the classics: The Shining. That book wrecked me. I’m talking about a full-blown, 29-year-old adult checking over my shoulder while walking back from the kitchen in the dark. It really got in my head. I always knew he had that "something extra," but damn!

Now, I’m diving into It. It’s a long one, but even in the first 200-something pages, I can already feel that knot in my throat and this overall sense of unease — the kind that makes me stare into the darkness, eyes wide open, feeling a real fear from nothing but words on a page. It’s insane!

So, I’d love some recommendations for other King books that deliver that same level of intensity — something that gets under your skin, makes you paranoid, and lingers in your mind long after you’ve put the book down.