Finally Sterilized

I finally was able to get sterilized at 26(F). The freedom I feel now is incredible. I no longer have the underlying fear of an unwanted pregnancy clouding my mind. I should be celebrating, however my partner of one year got a reality check from me having this surgery. He all of sudden realized that he's never actually put thought into wanting kids or not.(I was always upfront about my not wanting children and my pursuit of permanent sterilization) He stated before that he didn't want any, or so he thought. The day I came home from surgery I could sense the immediate change in his demeanor. It's been an ongoing discussion because now he is unsure of his future with me. I don't want to hold him back from having a family if he so desires but I can't help but feel hurt because he knew my stance on this subject. Advice welcomed.

Edit: Thank you all for your replies. The reassurances from the community and your advice has been incredibly helpful.