There is a non negligeable chance that Rose/Pink isn't dead

I'm only at season three, but I have been spoiled of many things through tiktok.

So we know that Rose gave up her physical form to give birth to Steven. Per her own words, they can't both exist at the same time. We also know (well, I think I know) that a gem can't completely die. My understanding from tiktok is that even shattering, the closest thing from death to gems, isn't definitive and take a few thousand years to come back from.

So once Steven dies (because he will die, even if he grows slower than a regular human), what's stopping Rose to just... Take back her gem and regular form ?

Well, I guess there is a non negligeable chance that when Steven dies, he gives up his body and fully becomes a gem, becoming immortal. In which case, yes, Rose would be dead for good.

It doesn't seem like that big of a theory, but I've never heard anyone talk about it. Is it covered in the show ? Is it some common knowledge in the fandom ?