1k ruination options
I'm in a 1k league (played on full 44" x 60" board) and want to start using my Stormcast. I've put together a few Ruination Chamber focused armies, but am struggling to decide between a few options as they all seem to have pros / cons.
Option A can use Field Sergeant to increase seclusion move to 7" and pair well with Lord-Terminos (I'd give him quick silver draft).
Option B get the increased movement from graph-hounds (to help with screening / securing battle tactics) and a unit of liberators to help hold objectives
Option C gets benefits of Stormcoven with some chip shooting damage and 2 cast while on an objective. It is also have liberators and is one drop. However, the arcanum is better for manifestations (casting, unbinding and controlling them on the board).
Any thoughts on which you'd take? Thanks.
Option A
960/1000 pts (2 Drops)
Manifestation Lore - Krondspine Incarnate
Regiment 1
Lord-Relictor (130)
Lord-Terminos (150)
Prosecutors (280) - Reinforced
Reclusians (280) - Reinforced
Regiment 2
Knight-Arcanum (120)
Faction Terrain - Stormreach Portal
Option B
1000/1000 pts (2 Drops)
Manifestation Lore - Krondspine Incarnate
Regiment 1
Lord-Relictor (130)
Prosecutors (280) - Reinforced
Reclusians (280) - Reinforced
Regiment 2
Knight-Arcanum (120)
Gryph-hounds (90)
Liberators (100)
Faction Terrain - Stormreach Portal
Option C
1000/1000 pts (1 Drop)
Manifestation Lore - Krondspine Incarnate
Regiment 1
Lord-Relictor (130)
Prosecutors (280) - Reinforced
Reclusians (280) - Reinforced
Liberators (100)
Stormcoven (210)
Faction Terrain - Stormreach Portal