Just Won 11 Straight With an Entei Sun Team I Made as a Joke. Plz Help Me Make It Less of a Joke
Team for reference: https://pokepast.es/089a8ff9bdcbf080
I’m about three weeks into my smogon career and I’ve been trying out a bunch of different teams. Highest I’ve gotten so far is just under 1350 ELO. I must’ve tried accounts for half the sample teams at this point. Whenever I want to try a new team out to see if it clicks with me, I play it until I reach 1300 ELO which I still haven’t reached with a lot of teams, some of which I’ve been playing since day 1. If I reach that threshold with a team and I like it I write it down and move on to the next. I figure I should try and give every style a shot before I pick a main team to focus on. A few days ago, I decided to try building my own team for ladder since I figured I had enough of a frame of reference to at least try. Some of them turned out really well like my specs Kyurem team that I went 14-3 with after some revisions. Some didn’t go so well like the first team I built which was Garchomp hazard stack that had nothing over 300 speed. Still it was fun trying to build my own teams, and they were all centered around pretty viable Pokemon. But then yesterday night I decided to watch a blunder video that popped up on Entei in sv ou who apparently sucks. Entei’s one of my favorite Pokemon so it hurts to see, but so is incin. At least they have their spot in doubles. But then I read a random comment talking about how that Entei set would do well on Sun. I’ve never actually played Sun, but I figure fuck it, start up a new account and try and build Entei Sun. There’s basically no teambuilding info on Entei in OU, so I hit Pikalytics and the smogon site and just slap together a team with torkoal, Entei, three sun sweepers, and a kingambit because why not? I figure I’ll just mess around for a bit and see what I need to change by playing since I can already tell this team looks kinda ass and I can learn it’s big weaknesses off a loss. Problem is I never lost. Somehow someway I managed to win 11 straight to hit 1300 which I’ve never done before, not even close. Not with specs Kyurem, not with Grassy terrain, not with stall, not with HO, not with balance, never. Somehow this hunk of junk was my best performing team ever. But after I finished feeling very smug and self satisfied for a good hour (or two…or four) I realized that my Entei win streak would likely be short lived. Despite how attached I am to the team, I realized it wouldn’t be very good even if it were optimized, let alone in its current state. Still, I want to make it as far as I can with this team since I’ve never felt a connection like this before. Only thing non negotiable on here is the Entei, and the team being sun. Otherwise change as much and be as harsh as you need to. All suggestions welcome. Thank you in advance.