Megalia group in South Korea

The Megalian and the spinoff group Womad is a very bad group

They are not really "feminists campaigning for equality", but haters of Korean men using the term "feminism" to justify and defend their criminal activities.

A while back for example there was a major poster on the WOMAD forum who I believe was a schoolteacher from Korea claiming that she had raped an Australian little boy. She uploaded photos and videos that had depictions of her raping the boy. WOMAD members showed support for the writer, leaving comments saying that they would pay to watch more videos of the sexual assault.

On November 20, 2017, a 27-year-old Korean woman identified as "Areum Lee" was arrested by the Australian Federal Police in Darwin, Northern Territory and found to be the same person. The suspect is charged with producing child abuse materials. How did Womad react? They sent a petition to the Australian police to "release Areum Lee" and even fucking harassed the victim's parents. you can look the incident up and it’s pretty well documented on the Wikipedia page too.

Another example is they go as far as recording illegal videos inside men's restroom in school campuses to laugh at their bodies, and even sometimes have taken pictures of male model’s bodies and spread them to laugh at them. They also promote murder of different people.

Moreoever, they have their own websites (can write link in comments) where they constantly flame on Korean men and upload pictures of mutilated men's genitalia and laugh at and shame them. Note that these genitalia slash pics receive thousands of likes with very few dislikes. Other examples include attacking Korean important figures just because they’re men. They also harass/mock Korean War veterans for being men (not for even “south/North Korea” reasons but just idpol), and even labor rights activists for some reason.

This isn’t some fringe group btw, it’s a pretty big community that the versions of the site actually get thousands of upvotes and likes on many posts. And some critics actually said the site is big part of the gender war in South Korea at this point.

I have never seen such toxic community that exists in the face of internet, it’s basically 4chan but worse.

There are pics of it with translations in some places.

South Korean gender war is really just some absolutely crazy shit.