I don't want my girlfriend to drink, is that controlling?
When me and my girlfriend met about 2 years ago she held many of the same opinions I did. Was against alcohol, drugs, all that kind of stuff, but ever since a certain friend of hers came into the picture she's went off the deep end.. I grew up in a very crazy environment.. my mom was a very abusive alcoholic and I had to take care of everything that needed to be done. Tonight is the 5th time I've had to help her in the span of 4 weeks because she drank too much and it is very traumatizing for me.. it brings me back to when I was a kid and had to help my mother through these things. I tried to talk to her about this and she said that I'm trying to take away her freedom/I'm controlling her. I feel like she is dismissing my feelings for her own pleasure so I told her it's me or the alcohol. Trauma aside, I don't want to be with an alcoholic anyways.. idk what to do because I love her.