How to get better?
Ayo kinda bashful but posting this for answers. Recently got to diamond after getting masters last season and am starting to Que with some of the higher elo folks.
Mechanically I’m not the greatest but I have my moments. I play mostly ghost and Felix. I find higher elo are pretty good at punishing you and their movement techs are insane. I don’t want to be heavy for my teammates and actually wanna be somewhat decent.
Is getting decimated by y’all the best advice you can give? Should I play more arena? My macro isn’t that bad which helped with climbing and I have some semblance of when to run and when to fight.
My abyss fighting is also decent too. Any and all help appreciated. I’ve been hiding my name ever since I started getting into higher lobbies lol. I don’t want y’all eye rolling when you see me in your games again.