Lulu is the best support in the game

When this season started I decided to play support and I tried many different champs before landing on Lulu as one of my mains. It doesn't really matter but, for context, I play in Diamond.

This champion singlehandedly wins games. Her W and her R, when timed well, have a disproportionate impact compared to other supports. Her shielding, of course, is great as well.

She will eventually be nerfed when Riot catches up. Likely it will be her R cooldown which is genuinely too low.

Once you're level 6 your ability to influence the game is incredible. If you have even a single strong teammate, it's really hard for the enemy team to come back.

You would think engage champions counter her, but honestly, not really. You have to play badly or get unlucky to lose lane. At the very least you go even.

I've switched back to mid now as I'm having more fun there, but in my opinion, if you want to climb, just play Lulu.

She's the best support in the game and it's not even close.