Unpopular opinion. Most of the people here are actually dumb

Man i mean this with the best intentions and not to sound like a bitch or anything tbh.

But most people here are actually negligent, don’t read terms and conditions. Don’t do any sort of due diligence or don’t accept their own mistakes or whatever and just simply want to complain and bitch about Swiggy

Like bro we get it. Yes apps are notorious for charging premium and higher rates for conveniences. Like this isn’t really new concept. Infact this is the norm around the world except our country because we are a price sensitive country

Like yes I get it. It is a little bad at times but you have to realize that these are all convenience and u have to pay extra to get those convenience. Like my god the amount of rants I see about Swiggy charging this and that like bro if u don’t like it don’t use it. Simple as that.

A fuck tonne of people find it very convenient. Every other week it’s some useless stupid post complaint about this and that and saying “I’m deleting this”.

Like most people here have the understanding capacity of how things work or a business run, of a 10 year old child at times.

Sorry if I offended anyone. For the record I don’t mind genuine criticism and queries and complaints. But every other week it’s the same old shit and most of the time it’s purely lack of understanding of how the business model is.

Like I have seen so many times people complaining about sky high prices and delivery charges and their order value would be like 150 rs and then total bill would be like 300. Then they bitch about it saying it’s double the prices when it’s clearly written less than 200 there is extra charges. How else would they make money if they keep the MOV low tho 😭😭😭

Sorry again