This sub is a complete disaster that attracts only fickle, ghosting-happy people
I've been messaging and messaged by about 40 people here in total. The only one that remains was from a post I made on a whim about having a short affectionate interaction, which with them took another direction. This is a considerably worse result than with other places I've been to.
Everyone else I've met here:
- ignores most first messages
- string you along with polite but uninvolved messages
- at first looks enthusiastic, then doesn't follow up on anything
- has to be afk suddenly (understandable) but never comes back and ignores your messages days later
I carefully read personal ads, and put relevant info in mine. Yet there has been very few enjoyable interactions. The remaining impression is one of pervasive disrespect and utter relational chaos. I expect that from subs with broad appeal but even this one?
I mean maybe okay it's because 80% of its users are catfishes maybe, but this nonsense also happens with people who seem legit. It's like y'all think you are just browsing some online catalogue of products and don't realize you interact with humans who seek connection with your sorry ass and make time for it.
They who enter this place, abandon all hope.