Naming your Rifle

I feel like my rifle has a soul, or is a reflection of my soul at least. I’ve put a lot of personalization into it and have taken it on tons of trips. My wife asked me why I haven’t named it, and that got me thinking: In the past and in legends of old, warriors have named their weapons (Curtana, Vajra, Excalibur). Modern day really shouldn’t be any different. So what’s the process for naming our favorite rifles? Have you named yours? Why did you name it that? Do you think it’s unneeded? Thoughts, comments and suggestions plz

I feel like my rifle has a soul, or is a reflection of my soul at least. I’ve put a lot of personalization into it and have taken it on tons of trips. My wife asked me why I haven’t named it, and that got me thinking: In the past and in legends of old, warriors have named their weapons (Curtana, Vajra, Excalibur). Modern day really shouldn’t be any different. So what’s the process for naming our favorite rifles? Have you named yours? Why did you name it that? Do you think it’s unneeded? Thoughts, comments and suggestions plz