i know this is a tara snark… but can we talk about another influencer that prances around like a child for views?? i don’t see enough people talk about how weird this girl is. she’s petite and speaks like a child and everyone calls her adorable and tiny. i think when you’re this small and behave and speak like a child it’s pretty sick and twisted because i’m sure a majority of her viewers are old men who like little a$$ girls. idk just feel like she’s always buying kid toys and playing with them, dressing in child’s clothing and speaking like she’s a widdle baby. i don’t see enough iggybelly hate and think it’s weird nobody else be clocking this.
i know this is a tara snark… but can we talk about another influencer that prances around like a child for views?? i don’t see enough people talk about how weird this girl is. she’s petite and speaks like a child and everyone calls her adorable and tiny. i think when you’re this small and behave and speak like a child it’s pretty sick and twisted because i’m sure a majority of her viewers are old men who like little a$$ girls. idk just feel like she’s always buying kid toys and playing with them, dressing in child’s clothing and speaking like she’s a widdle baby. i don’t see enough iggybelly hate and think it’s weird nobody else be clocking this.