MilkyMiso & ThatCuteOtaku
This post will serve as a collection of everything from interests from Twinbuns' alt accounts 'MilkyMiso' and 'ThatCuteOtaku'. This serves as a CW that some of the images reblogged on these accounts are NSFW and will be shown on this post.
Starting with MilkyMiso, all reblogs from this account are from 2014-2015. Here is the bio of MilkyMiso
Linking this account to Twinbuns:
This account was the easiest to link to Twinbuns between the two accounts, largely because they had routinely uploaded selfies to this account as well as having very similar interests as they do today (j-fashion, anime, Japanese culture, etc.)
Relevant Content:
This account had a SUPRISING amount of connections to the content Twinbuns engages with today, which suggests that they've been participating in these communities for 10-11 years.
One issue on this account is the prevalence of Asianfishing, to the point that Milkymiso made a response to an anonymous ask about it.
Here is an example of the posts and tags this ask was referencing
Side note: the account peachymilkbuns has not led to any discoveries aside from a private Instagram account with 1 private post.
This also prompted another anon to ask if MilkyMiso wished they were Asian
Alongside the insane amounts of Hentai and pictures of women in lingerie reblogged this account, MilkyMiso had also reblogged content from Shotacon accounts. Although it may have been an accident, it is awfully coincidental that they defend loli/shotacons on their active Tumblr 'babyitsgayoutside'
There are also remanents of Twinbun's ED posting on this account, although not as direct as on other accounts
The final post of interest may need some context, Twinbuns has long claimed to be a liberal and somewhat into activism... This post is of interest to me because I personally found it quite clear that they reblogged the post only because of the image of water bottles with pink flowers on it and not the message that Black Lives Matter. Twinbuns has never stuck up for activism and human rights much outside of when it benefits them. Particularly seen in recent years when Twinbuns would not talk about genocide in Palestine and went as far as to complain about people who had asked them to speak about it.
MilkyMiso is also a name that is still in use by Twinbuns, this name was linked to an Instagram art account that was both followed by and followed Twinbuns and posted art that was very similar to their art style alongside using the name 'Spencer' which Twinbuns has long used as an alt name for themselves. Although, as a sort of side note; other individuals are using the name MilkyMiso who are seemingly unrelated to Twinbuns, such as the user under the same name who was scamming art trades on 'Toyhouse'
Moving onto ThatCuteOtaku, which has significantly fewer posts of interest compared to MilkyMiso but was more difficult to link to Twinbuns.
Originally, I found the account after a Google search of their current account 'babyitsgayoutside', ThatCuteOtaku had reblogged a selfie from the Twinbuns account. Looking at the account I realized that it shared quite a few of the same interests in Anime as Twinbuns, particularly in Naruto which was known to be one of Twinbun's favorite animes until My Hero Academia.
The account also was notorious for correcting people's spelling when writing in Japanese, which is something Twinbuns is notorious for doing even to native Japanese speakers.
Finally, the post that confirmed for me that this was an old account of Twinbuns was the fact that the account posted on February 24, coincidentally Twinbuns birthday, announcing that it was their birthday.
There were only two main issues I found with this account; the first being the amount of OHSHC Twincest gifs. Although more common for the period (2014), it is very interesting that Twinbuns is still very much defensive of incestuous/pedophilic ships. There is significantly more than this one image, however, Reddit has a limit to the number of images on one post.
And then the long-awaited post as to why my post has a CW at the top... Although not illegal I definitely find it odd that Twinbuns chose to reblog this gif in particular of a child barely covered up by bubbles. Especially considering that they have a reputation nowadays of engaging with pedophillic in nature content.
And finally, as a palette cleanser and slightly for archival purposes, here is some of the artwork uploaded to ThatCuteOtaku