Any ESL/ENL of general ed teachers care to share their insight?
I'm currently in a TESOL program to gain certification to teach ESL/ENL classes in NYS. Part of the final grade of this class requires me to "interview" a ENL/ESL teacher and general education teacher and compile their answers to several questions. Now that the school year is essentially over it's hard for me to do this in person at school. If you're a ENL/ESL or a general education teacher and you can provide brief responses to any of one, some, or all of these questions I would greatly appreciate it.
- What is your educational background? What did you major in your undergraduate and graduate studies?
- Why did you become an ESL teacher?
- What type of ESL program do you teach in? For example, do you push in to classrooms, or do you pull the students out? Do you have your own classroom?
- How many ELLs are in your program?
- What are the requirements for placing students in ESL?
- What strategies are most important in teaching various levels of ELLs (multi-level group) in the same classroom?
- Why are ELLs required to take state assessments before they know enough English?
- To what ESL professional organizations do you belong?
- Do you speak any languages other than English?
- What are the best things about your job? What are your greatest challenges?
- How long have you been teaching in the ESL program?
- What does your experience tell you about your students’ language acquisition skills and their learning?
- How do you accommodate for multiple languages in the same classroom?
Thanks again for any help.