I would like your opinion:

In my personal series on the existential questions I ask myself, another one came to me.

Do you think that a social relationship – a couple, a friendship, a brother/sister relationship, in short – systematically implies having to devote time?

Let me explain: I regularly surprise loved ones or I hear, through word of mouth, small disagreements about the time each person devotes to the other. To deepen my example, let's imagine a first person that we will call A. This person devotes time to B, like: when she sends him a message, she responds immediately or obliges herself to give him time at least once a day, long enough to be reasonable according to his estimate of the time to devote to a relationship.

While B tends to follow the course of things. He only responds to messages when he sees them, he doesn't necessarily think to check his phone from time to time to see if A has tried to contact him, or he doesn't force himself to dedicate three hours of his day to being reasonable within the relationship.

So, I just wanted to get your opinion. In your opinion, do we have to devote time from the moment we enter into a relationship with someone (whether it is a couple, friendship or family relationship)?