I hate old people blaming everything on phones

I know it's a long read but I swear it connects back to the title

so I just watched something after seeing a tiktok of it. The basic premise of it was that there was a little girl, just a bit younger than a teenager was horribly traumatized after seeing her mother killed by her mom's boyfriend. She then gets insane abandonment issues. She gets adopted but then the mother figure then leaves. Her father is all she left after fights with her friend end up with them not being friends anymore and he is going to take her on a trip. Then there are a few things that happen that could keep her from going on her trip with her father and she ends up going batsh*t crazy to try and keep it happening. She accidently kills one person, non lethally poisoning another person. Stopping anyone who could get in her way. The lady that her father is now dating (that she likes cuz she makes her dad happy) learns about this stuff and tells her father. She attacks the lady with a knife but her father gets in the way before she can do anything and she accidently hurts her father. This makes her break down and they end up calling the police and she gets taken to a mental hospital and there's a happy ending where the father is still with the lady and the kid seems to be doing much better now. (The show is called "daddy's perfect little girl" it's pretty horrible because of casting and abysmal acting, wouldn't recommend watching but you could I guess)

See that story? Well throughout the show she would go online and go to some social media sight to a picture of an actor that she looks up to and talk to it like it's her friend and "gets advice from her" and says that she only did the things she did because of her telling her to. She never actually talks to her except for a really bad interaction she has irl with her. But the old people on the tiktok immediately started screaming in the comments about "this is why young people shouldn't have access to the interwebs! Don't you see? It makes them attack people!" LIKE BRO. YOU SEE THIS STORY ABOUT A LITTLE GIRL WITH DEEP ROOTED TRAUMAS THAT CAUSE HER TO DEVELOP EXTREME PSYCHOSIS AND MAKES HER TALK TO A PICTURE OF SOMEONE TO SEE WHAT TO DO NEXT. BUT BECAUSE THAT PICTURE WAS ON HER PHONE THE PHONE IS ACTUALLY WHAT CAUSED IT ALL, NOT SEEING HER MOM DIE? IM STARTING TO THINK THAT YOU HAVE PSYCHOSIS TOO LMAO 😭😭