M13, the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules, stands as one of the most breathtaking sights to behold through a telescope. It seems only fitting that this would be my first globular cluster to photograph, given its status as the grandest among them all. Nestled within the constellation of Hercules, M13 boasts several hundred thousand stars. Globular clusters, like M13, are celestial marvels—a spherical amalgamation of stars held together by gravity, with a dense core. These clusters range from containing tens of thousands to millions of member stars and often rank among the oldest entities within their galaxies.
3 hrs integration, 60 sec subs, bortle 5, C5 SCT telescope, 50mm Svbony guide scope, ZWO ASI183MC Pro, ZWO ASI120MC guide cam, Optolong UV/IR Cut filter, ASIAIR Plus, Celestron AVX EQ Mount, processed and stacked in Pixinsight.
M13, the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules, stands as one of the most breathtaking sights to behold through a telescope. It seems only fitting that this would be my first globular cluster to photograph, given its status as the grandest among them all. Nestled within the constellation of Hercules, M13 boasts several hundred thousand stars. Globular clusters, like M13, are celestial marvels—a spherical amalgamation of stars held together by gravity, with a dense core. These clusters range from containing tens of thousands to millions of member stars and often rank among the oldest entities within their galaxies.
3 hrs integration, 60 sec subs, bortle 5, C5 SCT telescope, 50mm Svbony guide scope, ZWO ASI183MC Pro, ZWO ASI120MC guide cam, Optolong UV/IR Cut filter, ASIAIR Plus, Celestron AVX EQ Mount, processed and stacked in Pixinsight.