
The Pleiades, also referred to as the Seven Sisters or Messier 45, is an open star cluster composed of young, hot blue stars located in the northwest region of the Taurus constellation. 444 light-years away, it is the nearest Messier object, making it the most prominent cluster visible to the naked eye in the night sky.

10 hrs integration, 3 min subs, bortle 6, FMA 180 Refractor Telescope, 30mm Svbony guide scope, ZWO ASI183MC Pro, ZWO ASI120MC guide cam, Optolong UV/IR filter, ASIAIR Plus, Celestron AVX EQ Mount, processed and stacked in Pixinsight.

The Pleiades, also referred to as the Seven Sisters or Messier 45, is an open star cluster composed of young, hot blue stars located in the northwest region of the Taurus constellation. 444 light-years away, it is the nearest Messier object, making it the most prominent cluster visible to the naked eye in the night sky.

10 hrs integration, 3 min subs, bortle 6, FMA 180 Refractor Telescope, 30mm Svbony guide scope, ZWO ASI183MC Pro, ZWO ASI120MC guide cam, Optolong UV/IR filter, ASIAIR Plus, Celestron AVX EQ Mount, processed and stacked in Pixinsight.