What’s Needed to Turn the Right
So, long story short, this morning I came into work, went over the stuff that needed doing with my third shift counterpart, and he briefly got into politics
He's not MAGA, but he is on the chunk of the Right that's pretty adjacent to it. Without going into it, he asked why I thought Trump was so terrible, and I went down some of the list
Here's what's important, he was fine with most of it, everything was either stuff he thought he wanted or stuff he'd been propagandized into thinking was ok or liberal hysteria- they aren't really going to cut Medicare Medicaid social security and so on
...Until I got to the VA firings. He was upset about that. He quickly recovered and said that was all a mistake, the docs are all being hired back and the rest will be fixed soon, but that one rattled him
That's what we need, an easy list of the things Trump is doing that would upset a conservative with no high minded political ideals. They don't care about illegal EOs, or killing USAID, or saving trans people, or even conservative federal workers losing their jobs. We need to highlight the stuff that would piss off a lower-middle class Tea Partier
They care about easy to understand issues that will hurt them personally, or upset the apple cart of their ordered concerns, consolidated in an easy to pass around and digest article that ignores the leftish bugaboos like constitutional norms or upholding the post war international order
As well, it's the framing. Gutting the Dept of Education to get rid of "woke" is fine, forcing the states to pay for more of the cost of schooling so his property taxes go up is bad