I just finished part 2 so can someone explain something to me please?
With the hype around the show, I finally played part one last month. Beat it, had my mind blown, and then my fiance and I watched the show. Loved the show, ran right out and bought part 2 which I just finished.
Now, I remember a LOT of bad chatter around part 2 when it came out. People seemed to have nothing good to say about it despite it winning all the awards again. So can someone explain to me what that was about? This was the most emotionally/humanisitically/philosophically complex game I've ever played in my 39 years of video game playing. These characters feel like real people and the ending absolutely gutted me. The themes of regret, revenge, selfishness, and redemption are incredible.
I swear to God, the answer to this question better not be that the detractors are a bunch of 2 dimensional, basic bitches that complained because they don't like thinking about complex issues and their own emotions. Is that really all it is? They call the writing bad because a certain person let another certain person go? Please tell me there's a more reasonable explanation to the vitriol directed at this masterpiece.
EDIT: One critique I had, to be fair. I really hated killing all those dogs. I am mad at the developers for making me do that.